What is the best step a man must take in wealth creation?

Pete Geissler
2 min readJul 20, 2022


Think rich, be rich; think poor, be poor.

Those nine words are the premise of my recent book, If you’re so Smart, Why aren’t you Rich? The path to wealth is between your ears.

The book will show you, with lively anecdotes and a touch of theory, how to convert the powerful intangibles of thought to the profitable tangibles of behavior and money.

Almost anyone can program their mind with negative thoughts to become poor, or with positive thoughts to become rich.

They can do that by flipping the bonehead bloopers of Losers that led them to poverty. Or they can embrace the positive, productive mindsets and behaviors of Winners that led them to prosperity. SMART will demonstrate the power of either approach.

I WILL NOT lecture readers on the need to save and budget and to invest; I leave those details to others. I WILL explain how to think and not think by replacing tiresome theories with lively anecdotes of people I have known.

I close the first chapter of the book with this: TIP$: Perhaps for the first time in history, creating becoming rich does not require capital, land ownership, natural resources, or people. All it requires is an idea, or ideas, aka Intellectual Capital or the power of thoughts. It can move you from poverty to prosperity… the core purpose of this book.

Image source: Vector Stock



Pete Geissler

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